Which is best ezoic or adsense ?

Which is best ezoic or adsense ?

Deciding between Ezoic and AdSense depends on your specific needs and preferences. Both platforms offer different features and benefits. Here's a comparison of the two:

Google AdSense:

  1. Trustworthy: AdSense is one of the most well-established and widely used advertising networks. It is backed by Google's reputation and extensive advertiser base.
  2. Advertiser pool: AdSense provides access to a large pool of advertisers, increasing the likelihood of displaying relevant ads to your audience.
  3. Ad formats: AdSense offers various ad formats, including display ads, text ads, video ads, and native ads, allowing you to choose the format that suits your website.
  4. Payment system: AdSense provides reliable and timely payments through various options, including electronic funds transfer (EFT), checks, and Western Union Quick Cash.


  1. Ad optimization: Ezoic focuses on ad optimization and uses artificial intelligence to test different ad placements, sizes, and formats to maximize revenue for your website.
  2. Website testing: Ezoic offers tools to conduct website testing, allowing you to optimize your site's layout, user experience, and ad performance.
  3. Revenue split: Ezoic operates on a revenue-sharing model, where they keep a portion of the ad revenue generated. The exact split varies depending on the plan you choose.
  4. Premium features: Ezoic offers additional features like advanced analytics, A/B testing, and visitor personalization, which can help improve your website's performance.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your priorities. If you prefer a trusted and established platform with a wide range of advertisers, AdSense is a reliable option. On the other hand, if you value ad optimization and testing tools to maximize revenue, Ezoic might be more suitable. It's advisable to consider your website's specific requirements, goals, and audience to make an informed decision.